Game Day #36 – Muskies (2) Huskies (7)
1st Period
1, Lindsay, Greenwood 6 (Kononov, Faulkner), 1:52 (PP).
2, Haliburton County, Poole 17 (Stewart, York), 19:53.
Bradshaw Hal ((minor, (misconduct) head contact) head contact, (misconduct) head contact), 0:27;
McKinnon Lin ((minor) interference), 5:51;
Laroda Lin (roughing after whistle), 11:13;
Bowmaster Hal ((minor) cross-checking), 11:13;
Galeazza Lin ((minor) cross-checking), 11:51;
Bradshaw Hal ((2x minor) spearing), 13:02.
2nd Period
3, Haliburton County, Bowmaster 4 (York, Hankai), 5:38 (PP).
4, Haliburton County, York 1 (Hankai, Poole), 9:05 (PP).
5, Haliburton County, Petrou 14 (York, Poole), 9:20 (PP).
6, Lindsay, Rai 7 (Ogle, Galeazza), 15:41.
Marentette Lin ((major + gm, removal of opp/own helmet) fighting, removal of opp/own helmet), 0:01;
Thatcher Hal ((minor, (major + gm, removal of opp/own helmet) fighting, removal of opp/own helmet) illegal equipment, (major + gm, removal of opp/own helmet) fighting, removal of opp/own helmet), 0:01;
Coppess Lin ((minor) handling or falling on the puck), 3:59;
McKinnon Lin ((major + gm) charging), 5:22;
Poole Hal ((minor) cross-checking), 5:22;
Gonzalez Lin ((minor) cross-checking), 7:11;
Rismond Hal ((minor) slashing), 11:36;
Hodges Hal ((minor) delay of game), 19:58.
3rd Period
7, Haliburton County, Bradshaw 7 (De Jesus, Hankai), 10:33.
8, Haliburton County, Poole 18 (Rismond, York), 12:08.
9, Haliburton County, Forgione 3 (Nadeau), 15:48 (SH EN).
Petrou Hal ((minor) cross-checking), 6:06;
Bowmaster Hal ((minor) interference), 12:17;
Larmand Hal ((minor) roughing), 14:48;
MacLean Lin ((minor) slashing), 17:34;
Galeazza Lin (fighting), 17:39;
Nadeau Hal ((minor, fighting) unsportsmanlike conduct, fighting), 17:39.
Shots on Goal-Lindsay 10-11-14-35. Haliburton County 23-15-9-47.
Power Play Opportunities-Lindsay 1 / 9; Haliburton County 3 / 6.